Kamren was born in Roseville, Calf. Nana Larsen was there when he was born, and she did a wonderful job of documenting his birth! Kamren was born at 12:03pm and was 7lbs. 10 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was a cute baby and was loved by his older brother at first sight.
Kamren loved to eat when he was born, he thought he needed to eat every two hours or so, he was a good sleeper and was a great baby.
When Kamren turned one he had rosiolla, a form of the measles. We took him to the ER because he had a fever of 106, they could not tell us what was wrong, gave him some Tylenol and sent us home. We went to the pediatrician after the weekend and she diagnosed him. He was vomiting on his birthday, poor little guy. All his b.day photos he looks so sad.
When Kamren was two we moved to Idaho. He loved having a big yard to play in and living near his cousins. When he was three he broke his arm jumping off a couch at his aunts house. When he was four he cracked his head open at another aunts house... do you see a trend here?
Kamren loves Robbie. He loves sports, wrestling (he has been state champion, eastern idaho outstanding wrestler, and placed first in most meets), he loves football, soccer and wants motocross. He enjoys riding bikes, playing cars and catching bugs, snakes, mice and holding our chickens.
Kamren is a funny boy, he keeps our family laughing and wondering what he is going to do next. He loves family time. Playing games is a favorite. He likes to read. I could go on forever about Kamren, we all love him so much and could not imagine life without him. He is our little cuddle bug and I cannot believe he is seven today. I don't like that one bit!
Here are a few photos, no particular order or reason. Some show his crazy and silly personality.
WOW, he is getting so big! I loved reading about how each of the boys got their names- so neat!
7 years old! Crazy! I remember when he was born. I drove katie and robbie and I to the hospital. I remember robbie still seeming like a baby and he was 2 1/2! Kam is such a funny little man! can't wait to see his crazy antics at the lake!
miss you guys! i've been worried about your mom, how is she? things her are well. kam is getting so big...i can't believe my baby will be 4...AND I DECIDED TO START ALL OVER AGAIN! sometimes i think maybe i didn't think!ha ha...we're excited. i'm just scared to death on this one, like i'm a first time mom all over again! hope things are good there...tell eric hi!
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